Satow’s longtime advocacy for mental health causes manifests now as Magnify the Mind, a youth-targeted community providing education, comfort and support through music and art.
NYC's Max Satow, professionally known as NOSHOWS, is finding a fascinating niche as a singer-songwriter and frontman by fusing explorations of the inner workings of the mind with a wildly eclectic blend of alt-rock, hip-hop, and funk. Noshows has gained a loyal fan base from its electrifying shows at NYC’s Mercury Lounge, Milkboy, Sofar Sounds, Bowery Electric and most recently the UK's Great Escape Festival. Satow's lifelong fascination with the chaos and psyche of the human mind, and his advocacy of such issues, has its roots in his family's founding of The Jed Foundation, a non-profit that protects emotional health and prevents suicide for teens and young adults, giving them the skills and support they need to thrive. It was inspired by and named after the singer's uncle, who took his own life. Satow has created a mental health hub of his own with Magnify the Mind, a community whose mission is to educate and advocate for those who need emotional support. Noshows is set to release two EPs leading up to a full length debut, co-produced/co-written with two-time Grammy winner Marc Swersky (Joe Cocker, Little Stranger) and mixed by Seth Von Paulus (Smashing Pumpkins, Linda Perry).